Alacati is a small quaint holiday village in western Turkey, a rather elite resort found in the stunning Cesme peninsula in the vast province of Izmir attracting mostly wealthy Turkish tourists and very few overseas visitors.
With a wealthy visitor property in the area is often quite luxurious, however, if you are looking for spa property in Alacati you will find that options are very limited and when found spa accommodation in Alacati will be located in luxury complexes with a range of spa facilities, massage rooms, Turkish baths, sauna and steam rooms etc and this makes for an ideal investment in the area for anyone looking to buy spa property in Alacati to achieve a very high rental income.
If the reason you are looking at spa accommodation for sale is for investment, you should be aware that a rental income is only likely in the summer season as the village reverts back to a sleepy fishing village in the winter when all the tourists have left.
Contact Turkey Homes when looking for an Alacati spa property and our expert Izmir real estate advisors guide you to your ideal spa real estate in Alacati and will be on hand to direct you through every step of the Turkey property in Turkey buying process.
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