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NEWS Istanbul, the Pearl of Turkey, Will Host the 2027 European Games

16 Aug 2024

In collaboration with the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and the Turkish National Olympic Committee, the "Istanbul House" has been opened at the famous fashion museum "Palais Galliera" in Paris. The reception for the Istanbul House, established to promote the 2027 European Games to be held in Istanbul and Istanbul's candidacy for the 2036 Olympic Games, was attended by Turkey's Ambassador to Paris, Yunus Demirer, OECD Ambassador Kerem Alkin, and world champion athlete Sergey Bubka. Many panels were held during the opening of the Istanbul House.

"It is a privilege and honor for me to speak in front of you this evening in this beautiful place in Paris, which we now call the 'Istanbul House,'" said Istanbul Metropolitan Mayor İmamoğlu, adding:

"Seeing the Olympic rings on the Eiffel Tower in Paris was truly inspiring. I dream of seeing the rings one day adorning the bridge that connects Europe and Asia over the Bosphorus in Istanbul. Hosting the 2027 European Games in Istanbul will be a powerful symbol of unity, proving to the world that we can come together in the spirit of friendly competition despite our differences. Istanbul aims to use the European Games as a tool to inspire and mobilize young people, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose. In line with the spirit of the Olympics, let us embrace this vision and work together to make the Istanbul 2027 European Games a shining example of what we can achieve when we come together for a common purpose. Let us strive not only for victory but also for the joy of our collective efforts, the educational value of exemplary behavior, and respect for universal ethical principles. Istanbul eagerly awaits to host you all in 2027 and beyond."

After his speech, İmamoğlu invited CHP Chairman Özel to the platform. In his speech, Özel expressed hope that Istanbul would host the 2036 Olympic Games. Özgür Özel said:

"We are experiencing a beautiful day here in Paris together. We are here with our friends, with our friends from the Olympic family. In the coming period, we want to host the Olympics in Istanbul. We are very happy when we host sports games in Istanbul."

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