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Checking various websites looking to buy traditional hotel in Fethiye? - Fethiye offers its visitors both hotel and private accommodation to its many visitors, some preferring their own private swimming pools and some who still like to socialise around a hotel pool and the various services that a hotel will offer.
A traditional hotel in Fethiye for sale is not a common occurrence on the market as hotels tend to sell by word of mouth, however, should you find prices for traditional hotel in Fethiye it may need extra on your budget as some will be offered as a renovation project in need of lots of work to bring a traditional hotel in Fethiye for sale to a good standard to attract guests.
When looking to buy traditional hotel in Fethiye we strongly recommend that you check out the area to find out what type of income you can expect, as some areas see very few or no tourists at all out of season.
Contact Turkey Homes when looking at prices for traditional hotel in Fethiye and with your budget and requirements in mind, we will guide you to your ideal Fethiye real estate and assist you throughout the property Turkey buying process.
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