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NEWS Chinese Giant in Electronics and Renewable Energy Sectors, Chooses Turkey for Investment

3 Sep 2024

Wetown Electric Group Co., one of China's leading companies in the electrical, electronics, machinery, and renewable energy sectors is planning to invest in Turkey. The Chinese electrical giant has even considered Denizli for its investment and met with officials from the Denizli Chamber of Industry. During the meeting, Jiang Wengong, Chairman of the Electrical Group, gathered information on investment opportunities, exports, international markets, and trade relations with China.

Recently, Chinese companies have been turning their attention to Turkey for investments. Following the decision of automotive giant Chery to invest in Turkey, Wetown Electric Group, which operates in the electrical, electronics, and renewable energy sectors, has also chosen Turkey for investment. As part of the feasibility studies, the company's senior executives visited Turkey and held meetings. The company, considering Denizli as a potential investment location, also visited the Denizli Chamber of Industry..

A Strategic Partner for Major Companies

Wetown Electric, which operates in energy distribution and new energy fields in China and exports to over 40 countries, undertakes projects and offers high-quality products and solutions to its clients. The company, which holds the "Famous Trademark of China" certificate, reportedly has an annual turnover exceeding 10 billion dollars.

Priority Provinces for Investment: Adana and Denizli

The company planning to invest in Turkey has reportedly prioritized Adana and Denizli. During the meeting, it was emphasized that the energy sector is growing due to increased interest, and the investment opportunities in Turkey and Denizli were evaluated, with discussions held on the relevant sectors. Wetown Electric Group’s President shared the company’s growth strategy and targets outside of China.

Expressing gratitude to the Chinese firm's executives for their visit, which aimed at establishing investment and strong cooperation channels, The Turkish side stated that the Chamber of Industry officials would continue working towards strengthening and developing Denizli's industry and creating new investment areas. They also said they would continue discussing the company’s potential investment in Denizli.

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